Friday 18 November 2011

A Wee Update

Alright, this post will be bit short and sweet...
This past week CVNZ took us volunteers down to Okarito to plant trees.  I swear I think I've planted one thousand trees alone.  I didn't know that it was possible to have a town smaller than Punakaiki, but Okarito really broke that record consisting of a cafe, five or six houses, and a camping ground.  Although the views of the Southern Alps from our back door seemed to melt away any craving for contact with society.  
For our four night stay we were given four dollars for showers.  It was one dollar for five minutes of hot water then with no warning the cold peirced your skin.  Living on the egde here.
For some reason this past week was the week where every Kiwi and their brother decided it best to make fun of everything the American girl did.  Although I will give them credit on some circumstances. 
After our first day's work, we walked up the bush track to the glacier in Franz Josef.  It was a bit hazy, but well worth the journey.  My photos do not do it justice.  I reckon you need that peripheral vision in addition to your focal point.  Unfortunately, I was unable to capture that vastness.
Last night was quite busy at the pub.  Since I hadn't been there for a little under a week I was starting to have withdrawls and decided to pop my head in and say hello.  I ended up meeting a man dressed in an old jail outfit with a ball and chain attached to his leg.  He had been travelling from Picton all the way down to Punakaiki the entire day dressed in this fabulous attire.  The reason you might ask?  He was getting married the next day.  His friends and him, drinking since six in the morning, were incredibly "pissed."  Jeanette's son was the best friend of this soon to be groom and made the costume.  We shared a game of pool with a mixure of fellows from all over, concluding the evening with a few home brews at Jeanette's rustic, artistic house.
Living with two British girls at the moment, they decided to prepare a good solid "full english breakfast" for me.  Thus, we hitched into Greymouth to buy all the fixings (sausages, bacon, eggs, toast, baked beans...)  Being breakfast's biggest fan, I am incredibly excited to experience this delux meal.
Last week in Punakaiki.  Heading south this coming weekend for just two more weeks of volunteering.  Then topping off this journey with a bit of travelling on my own down south.  This trip is going quick.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say that's a seriously, seriously high protein breakfast. Whew. Do they fast the rest of the day?

    Ball and chain, huh? Whatever it takes.

    Have fun your last week in Punakaiki, Al. Looking forward to hearing about the other spots... and the upcoming skydiving?

